We are excited to announce that advertising placement in the 2025 Eureka Springs Visitor Guide is currently underway! Don't miss this exciting opportunity to showcase your business or event in Eureka Springs' primary response piece.
What travelers want:
• 69% of travelers say they begin their journey online
Gain marketing exposure in the digital edition across three high-traffic web portals, delivers an estimated 250,000 annual views. This is how tourists may learn about you first!
• 40% of travelers say they still rely on printed guides
Travelers target their prime agenda using handy, easy to use print guides. 50,000 copies serve on demand and high-traffic distribution.
• Marketing experts agree traditional advertising integration is key
No single marketing effort is the golden key and marketing is a cumulative effort. Locally relevant print builds trust with consumers, breaks through online clutter, expands your reach at the best possible time, and increases the effectiveness of your social marketing efforts.
Ad Deadline is December 15.
Don’t miss out on this annual marketing opportunity! Better reach, better value, better business.
For rates and details contact our Marketing/Sales Consultant, Janie Clark janiepc@icloud.com